GeoWeek 2022 Events
The Geographical Society of Ireland, the Geographical Association's Belfast Branch and Geographers at Queen’s University Belfast hosted an online panel discussion on November 17th on Career Paths in Geography. The panel included speakers who graduated from a variety of universities from across the island of Ireland, each representing different types of professional fields. |
The Maynooth Student Geography Society put together an ambitious GeoWeek (14-19 November) with different activities running on each day. For more see details click here
GeoWeek 2021
In addition to the GSI’s launch of the Bursary Awards during GeoWeek 2021, schools, societies and departments across the country engaged in activities to celebrate and raise awareness about the discipline. Maynooth Geographers, celebrated the work of female physical geographers on their ‘Eye on the World’ blog which included posts from Dr Lisa Orme, Dr Catriona Duffy, Dr Clare Noone, Dr Samantha Hallam, Dr Levke Caesar and Dr Stephanie Keogh. Other activities included field work (UCD) and social media campaigns which involved geographical puns (Maynooth Geography Society) and quotes (UCD). Schools around the country engaged in poster and photography competitions, treasure hunts, and constructing models to explain various geographical processes. For more see here.
GeoWeek 2020
Celebrating Geography - Through the Ages
Online Event on Thurs, 19 November, 7-8.30pm Join Dr Susan Pike (DCU Institute of Education) & Dr Ruth McManus (DCU School of History and Geography), for this online event to to celebrate the possibilities of Geography across primary, second level and third level. Speakers at the event include Dr Kathy Reilly, President, Geographical Society of Ireland, Dr Robert Meehan, Consultant Geologist, and Dr Paula Owens, Primary Geography Consultant and Author. Other GeoWeek Activities around the Country From the power of satellites in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, to Netflix Geography, from public lectures and seminars to discussions and quizzes, see here for a Summary of GeoWeek Activities across the country - as posted on Twitter by Geography enthusiasts of all ages. |
Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields, Gardens
Book Launch on Wed, 25 November, 8-9pm Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields, Gardens is a collection of artwork, exhibition vignettes, and essays by four artists working in southwest Ireland (Monica de Bath, Cathy Fitzgerald, Pauline O’Connell and Seoidín O’Sullivan) in conversation with scholars (Patrick Bresnihan, Nessa Cronin, Gerry Kearns and Karen E. Till). The collection focusses on the role of creative practice in addressing contemporary issues including ecological and climate crises, species extinctions, and global pandemics. With introductions by Lucina Russell and Karen E. Till, the multi-media book launch will include images of artists’ works, readings and conversations by the contributors, followed by questions and answers from the public. The event is hosted virtually via Zoom by the Moore Institute, NUI Galway and is Co-sponsored by Maynooth Geography and the Geographical Society of Ireland. |
GeoWeek 2019
'Geographical Education and the World Today’
GeoWeek (Geography Awareness Week) takes place on the third week in November each year. The purpose of the initiative, which was developed in the USA, was to draw attention to the importance of geographical education for understanding the world around us. The initiative was sparked by a recognition that there was a 'dangerous deficiency' in geographical knowledge in American education at that time. As a result, GeoWeek was developed to ‘excite people about geography as both a discipline and as a part of everyday life'. We know that there is no such deficiency in Ireland at the moment. However, the Government's decision to remove Geography as a core subject from the Junior Certificate has put the geographical knowledge of future generations under threat. Given the importance of geographical knowledge for understanding and responding to contemporary challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, sustainable lifestyles, uneven development, planning, migration, and conflict, this decision will undermine the ability of future generations to tackle these issues either at home or abroad. In attempt to highlight the importance of Geography, the theme of this year's GeoWeek is ‘Geographical Education and the World Today’ Below is a list of GeoWeek events being held this November. More to follow. On the origins of GeoWeek and some resources see here
UCD School of Geography & UCD Library
Mapping UCD Research: Exhibition Opening. This exhibition showcases maps created by UCD researchers and staff from across the campus to illuminate the diverse ways in which maps have been used to enhance and disseminate their research. Following prior judging, prizes of €500 and €300, generously sponsored by Ordnance Survey Ireland, will be awarded on the evening to the winning entrants.
Speakers at the event:
All welcome at this event. Light refreshments and drinks will be served.
Speakers at the event:
- Prof Jacky Croke (Professor and Head of School, Department of Geography)
- Dr John B Howard University Librarian, UCD)
- Prof Orla Feely (Vice President For Research, Innovation and Impact, UCD)
- Mr Brian McArdle (Channel Manager, Ordnance Survey Ireland)
All welcome at this event. Light refreshments and drinks will be served.
DCU/St Patrick's College
Geography in the News: Topical Geography for All. Ruth McManus & Susan Pike will host a series of short talks aimed at all levels. This is an informal event which will also include time mix. So far confirmed presentations include:
- Topical lessons with GIS
- Geography, Knowledge and Power
- Environmental ISL Glossary
- Children's agency and action in Early Years and Primary Geography
Maynooth University
Seminar: Tírdhreach Feasach: Irish Environments in Transition. Conversations with artists and geographers/academics: Monica de Bath and Patrick Bresnihan, Cathy Fitzgerald and Nessa Cronin, Pauline O'Connell and Gerry Kearns, Seoidin O'Sullivan and Karen Till from 4-5:30pm, (Rocque Lab, Rhetoric House, South Campus) followed by Exhibition Launch: Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields, Gardens: from 5:45-6:30pm, Maynooth University Library lobby. The exhibition highlights the eco-community engaged practices of artists working with peoples/natures in peatlands, woodlands, fields and cities in SW Ireland. The exhibit displays video, books, paintings, sketchings, grafted trees & other works by artists: Monica de Bath, Cathy Fitzgerald, Pauline O’Connell and Seodín O’Sullivan. Curated by Karen E. Till. These are joint events with Kildare County Council Arts Service and Maynooth University Library, with additional support from the IRC New Foundations Scheme and Creative Ireland. See flyer here. Finally, Maynooth University will host a post-GeoWeek seminar The Art of Citizen-Science: Monitoring a Climate Disaster which will be held on 28 November, 4-5:30pm in IONTAS Second Floor Seminar Room, North Campus, Maynooth University.
School Visits: In addition a number of Geography Department staff visited schools during the week (Rowan Fealy in Edmund Rice College in Blanchardstown (Dublin) and Gerard McCarthy in Scoil Mhuire in (Mullingar), while Transition Year students from Maynooth Education Campus visited the Department on Thursday
School Visits: In addition a number of Geography Department staff visited schools during the week (Rowan Fealy in Edmund Rice College in Blanchardstown (Dublin) and Gerard McCarthy in Scoil Mhuire in (Mullingar), while Transition Year students from Maynooth Education Campus visited the Department on Thursday
GeoWeek 2018 - 19-25th November
National ConferenceWe hosted a conference on Thursday the 22nd of November in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford which brought geographers and policy makers together to discuss the goals.
This conference focused on establishing the links between government policy on the SDGs and geographic research and work of geographers in relation to the 17 goals. It will also examine the potential for geographers and those interested in geography to contribute to the future of The Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan. Speakers on the day were: Irene Cadogan - PRO of the GSI Joe Gallagher - Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment Tony Murphy - Ordnance Survey Ireland Kevin McCormack - Central Statistics Office Enda Murphy - UCD Paul Hickey - Breadboard Labs Anita McKeown - CoDesRes - UCD Elaine Nevin - EcoUnesco The presentations can be found below
GeoWeek 2018 - 19-25th NovemberThis year our annual GeoWeek (Geography Awareness Week) focused on the role and potential of geography and geographers, academic and in practice, in delivering on the SDG's. We highlighted the geographic research already being done in relation to the 17 goals and the potential for geographers and those interested in geography in contributing in the future.
The Sustainable Development Goals aim to build on the Millennium Development Goals by creating a plan of action for the people, our planet and it's prosperity. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which have been adopted by 193 UN member states. The goals are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental. The Irish government has developed a National Implementation Plan for the achievement of the SDGs which is centred on raising awareness, ensuring participation, supporting public contributions and aligning public policy and the GSI believe that geography has an important role to play. DCUGeography Across the Ages - 22nd Nov 4.30 -6.30pm
Come along to a Geography Meet Up November 22nd at DCU St Patrick's Campus for tea, cake, inspiration and networking with all those involved in Geography. Event will include: Short, 'teachmeet' style talks by teachers and lecturers across the education sectors. Resources, including those from the Geographical Association. Click here for more info and to book University College DublinLecture - The UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by Prof Enda Murphy, University College Dublin
Monday 19th November More details here. Maynooth UniversityArt, Climate Change and the Citizen-Scientist:
A Conversation with Kildare County’s Weather Observers, 19 November 2018, 4-5pm, Old Callan Building, South Campus, Maynooth University With artist Martina O’Brien, Dr. Conor Murphy, ICARUS, Prof. Gerry Kearns and Prof. Karen Till, Department of Geography, in collaboration with Kildare County Arts Council. No Booking Necessary More details can be found here Geography Seminar Series on Tuesday 20th November with an 11 o’clock seminar in the Rocque Lab by Jamie Hannaford (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), From drought research to decision-making: experiences from the UK Thursday 22nd at 4pm, Rocque Lab Lisa Orme a Physical Geography lecturer will speak about Atmospheric circulation over Europe and the North Atlantic during the last 5000 years. NUI GalwaySustainability talk by Duncan Stewart
AGTI Galway Branch are hosting a talk by Duncan Stewart based on Sustainability for Geo Week. Event to be held in AC216, Geography Department, NUI Galway from 6-8pm on Wednesday 21/11/2018 Event is open to all. Human security and international human rights law in the Mediterranean crisis by Dorothy Estrada-Tanck (University of Murcia, Spain) Nov. 22nd at 4pm in Seminar Room 113, Discipline of Geography, NUI Galway Trinity College DublinGuest speaker: Carmel Nolan, 'Sustainable Development Goal 5: To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls'.
Tuesday 20th November, 6:30 pm, M4 - Museum Building. More details here. Where in the World?! An evening of geographical games, quizzes, and treats. Thursday 22nd November, 7pm, GSSR-B - Musuem Building. More details here. |