Society Awards Programme
The Geographical Society of Ireland runs four main awards that celebrate and support the exceptional work that Geographers in Ireland do both within and beyond the academic community. Society Awards generally run on an annual or bi-annual basis, and are presented during the Conference Dinner of the Annual Conference of Irish Geographers.
2024 Award Competitions
Book Awards 2024
The GSI is pleased to announce a call for submissions for its Book of the Year award. This year there will be two book awards: (1) Edited book; and (2) Monograph.
Criteria for nominated titles:
The book must
1. have been published for the first time (in Irish or English) between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2023;
2. be of clear relevance to a theme related to the geographies of Ireland and/or is authored by a geographer employed in Ireland at the time of publication; and
3. be comprised substantially of previously unpublished work.
Two award categories have been established: (1) Edited collections and (2) Monographs. Scripts are not eligible for consideration. One nomination from a GSI member is required.
Key dates:
February 29th 2024: Final date for nominations
9th May 2024: Winner announced at GSI's celebration of its 90th birthday, 9th May 2024
May 2024: Nominated books displayed at the birthday event in May 2024
Members are requested to please complete this nomination form by no later than February 29th 2024. For queries relating to the Book of the Year Award please contact the Chair of the Adjudication Panel, Prof. Gerry Kearns [email protected]
The GSI is pleased to announce a call for submissions for its Book of the Year award. This year there will be two book awards: (1) Edited book; and (2) Monograph.
Criteria for nominated titles:
The book must
1. have been published for the first time (in Irish or English) between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2023;
2. be of clear relevance to a theme related to the geographies of Ireland and/or is authored by a geographer employed in Ireland at the time of publication; and
3. be comprised substantially of previously unpublished work.
Two award categories have been established: (1) Edited collections and (2) Monographs. Scripts are not eligible for consideration. One nomination from a GSI member is required.
Key dates:
February 29th 2024: Final date for nominations
9th May 2024: Winner announced at GSI's celebration of its 90th birthday, 9th May 2024
May 2024: Nominated books displayed at the birthday event in May 2024
Members are requested to please complete this nomination form by no later than February 29th 2024. For queries relating to the Book of the Year Award please contact the Chair of the Adjudication Panel, Prof. Gerry Kearns [email protected]
GSI Doctoral Research Award 2024
The Geographical Society of Ireland is pleased to launch the call for its annual prize for a presentation based upon a recent PhD thesis in Geography. The competition is open to any graduate of a Higher Education Institute on the island of Ireland who has successfully defended their PhD degree since January 1st, 2021. The graduate must also be a current member of the GSI. Papers will be short-listed for a special session as part of the GSI's celebration of its 90th birthday, on 9th May 2024 (presentation of approx. 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes Q&A). The plenary session will be adjudicated by a panel of senior academics. The prize includes an award of €250.
Completed application forms should be submitted online by March 14th 2024. If you have any queries please contact Dr. Karen Keaveney at [email protected]
The Geographical Society of Ireland is pleased to launch the call for its annual prize for a presentation based upon a recent PhD thesis in Geography. The competition is open to any graduate of a Higher Education Institute on the island of Ireland who has successfully defended their PhD degree since January 1st, 2021. The graduate must also be a current member of the GSI. Papers will be short-listed for a special session as part of the GSI's celebration of its 90th birthday, on 9th May 2024 (presentation of approx. 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes Q&A). The plenary session will be adjudicated by a panel of senior academics. The prize includes an award of €250.
Completed application forms should be submitted online by March 14th 2024. If you have any queries please contact Dr. Karen Keaveney at [email protected]
GSI Postgraduate Fieldtrip/Travel Award 2024
Applications are invited for Geographical Society of Ireland postgraduate travel awards to a maximum value of €250 per person/awardee. These bursaries are intended to offer financial support to postgraduate members of the GSI who wish to present papers or participate in workshops at national or international conferences. Awards are also available to postgraduate researchers requiring assistance to undertake fieldwork. Preference will be given to applications in support of dissemination activities. Applicants must be current members of the GSI, and should either be registered as a student in Ireland or be conducting research in Ireland within the discipline of Geography.
Completed application forms should be submitted online by February 29th 2024. Successful applicants will be expected to acknowledge the support of the GSI in their research and at the relevant conference. A brief overview of how the award was utilised should be submitted to the Society after the event.
For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact the awards coordinator Dr. Karen Keaveney at [email protected]
Applications are invited for Geographical Society of Ireland postgraduate travel awards to a maximum value of €250 per person/awardee. These bursaries are intended to offer financial support to postgraduate members of the GSI who wish to present papers or participate in workshops at national or international conferences. Awards are also available to postgraduate researchers requiring assistance to undertake fieldwork. Preference will be given to applications in support of dissemination activities. Applicants must be current members of the GSI, and should either be registered as a student in Ireland or be conducting research in Ireland within the discipline of Geography.
Completed application forms should be submitted online by February 29th 2024. Successful applicants will be expected to acknowledge the support of the GSI in their research and at the relevant conference. A brief overview of how the award was utilised should be submitted to the Society after the event.
For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact the awards coordinator Dr. Karen Keaveney at [email protected]
Lifetime Contribution to the GSI Award
Members of the GSI are invited to submit up to three names for this award; nominees should all be members of the society. Members should provide a short statement outlining the reason for the nomination(s). The nominator must be a fully paid up member of the GSI or AGTI. Once a nomination is received the nominee will be contacted by a member of the GSI committee and will be asked to submit a one page personal statement and one-page CV. A nominee may not self-nominate.
GSI Book Award
The GSI awards two Book of the Year awards on a bi-annual basis, with separate awards for Edited books and Monographs. To be considered eligible, books must be published for the first time within the period considered for award, must be of clear relevance to a theme related to the geographies of Ireland and/or authored by a geographer employed in Ireland at the time of publication, and must be comprised substantially of previously unpublished work.
Doctoral Research Award
The GSI awards an annual prize for a presentation based upon a recent PhD thesis in Geography. The competition is open to any graduate of a Higher Education Institute on the island of Ireland who has successfully defended within the period specified in the call for nominees. The graduate must also be a current member of the GSI, and needs to register for the Conference of Irish Geographers. Papers will be short-listed for a special session as part of the CIG (presentation of approx. 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes Q&A). This plenary session is adjudicated by a panel of senior academics, who mutually decide on the award recipient. The prize includes an award of €250.
Postgraduate Fieldwork/Travel Award
The Geographical Society of Ireland offers postgraduate travel awards to a maximum value of €250 per person/awardee. These bursaries are intended to offer financial support to postgraduate members of the GSI who wish to present papers or participate in workshops at national or international conferences. Awards are also available to postgraduate researchers requiring assistance to undertake fieldwork. Preference will be given to applications in support of dissemination activities. Applicants must be a current member of the GSI.