Following a Committee meeting of Thursday, February 2nd 2017, the Executive Committee of the Geographical Society of Ireland have issued the following statement in support of the American Association of Geographers position on the US travel ban for nationals of 7 states. The Committee have written in solidarity to the President of the AAG and published this statement on our social media channels:
"The Geographical Society of Ireland (GSI) welcomes and fully endorses the recent statement by the American Association of Geographers in relation to the US Presidential Ban on entry to the US from 7 countries and their work with other organisations in Washington DC to attempt to roll back the restrictions of this Executive Order. Geography is dedicated to studying the Earth as our Home; a sustainable and peaceful future includes respecting cultural difference. As geographers, many of us travel widely and are accepted as guests in many places. We value this freedom of movement and place great emphasis on the importance of inclusive engagement with all international colleagues.
We are very pleased that the AAG will make every effort to find alternative methods of participation to ensure that the conference this year is as inclusive as possible and offer any assistance we can provide in that regard".
The statement of the AAG can be accessed here.
"The Geographical Society of Ireland (GSI) welcomes and fully endorses the recent statement by the American Association of Geographers in relation to the US Presidential Ban on entry to the US from 7 countries and their work with other organisations in Washington DC to attempt to roll back the restrictions of this Executive Order. Geography is dedicated to studying the Earth as our Home; a sustainable and peaceful future includes respecting cultural difference. As geographers, many of us travel widely and are accepted as guests in many places. We value this freedom of movement and place great emphasis on the importance of inclusive engagement with all international colleagues.
We are very pleased that the AAG will make every effort to find alternative methods of participation to ensure that the conference this year is as inclusive as possible and offer any assistance we can provide in that regard".
The statement of the AAG can be accessed here.